Monday, May 16, 2011

Things that I miss....

Since my parents are arriving today, which I am very very excited about, I've been thinking about the US a lot lately. Here is just a quick list of daily items that I've been living without for the past 4 months and am very excited to have when I get back to HR!! I also asked people that I've been hanging out with for the past 4 months what they were most excited to have when they get home. Obviously friends and family are first on our lists but here is other random things that people in America might take for granted:

-Non-communal washer and dryer
-My bike
-My car
-A cell phone that was produced sometime in the past 2 years rather than the brick I have right now that dates to about 2001
-Stop signs (there aren't any here so there is always a possibility to get hit because pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way)
-A good breakfast for under 10 dollars (everything is going to dirt cheap when I get home)

Here are the responses from the Village:
- TV (Specifically watching baseball for my friend Emily O from Boston College)
-Really good pizza (also another suggestion from Emily) I agree with this one, pizza here sucks!
-Apparently they also don't sell bagels at the grocery stores here...Emily again
-Cheeze-Its (specifically white cheddar) and Goldfish (suggested by my friend Katie J from Wisconsin Eau Claire)
-Applebees (that's where Courtney from Wisconsin Eau Claire will be eating her first meal! And where she works)
-Regular coffee (everything here is made out of espresso beans) Meghan M from Boston who is obsessed with Dunkin Doughnuts suggested this one
-Kally is excited to eat at the cafeteria at her school so that she doesn't have to cook for herself anymore
-Laura from Penn State said that she misses Reeses Peanut Butter Cups that are cheap, at the market here I bet they sell for around $15 dollars for a bag!
-Kimbra from Boston also had a lot of things that she would miss: "shopping carts that you can control, having spices/flour, a full keyboard on my phone, a good chef's knife, more clothes, a second shower towel/set of sheets, and friends who keep the kitchen clean
-Some of the Germans also said that they miss the $1 burgers at McDonalds (Friedrich) and a good old American breakfast (Niklas)

It seems like the consensus is that all of us mostly miss American food

As you can tell most of us are VERY excited to come back home, either to the States or Germany, but I still bet that the next few weeks will fly by and all of us are very sad to see our time come to an end in Perth!!

See everyone soon :)


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